Saturday, May 24, 2003

heh ok shu
i guess i just think the stage from friends to bfgf and bfgf to marriage is different can't really be compared like that.

anyway guess who i met today? judy! back from aussie for good! she'll contact me soon and i'll add her to this place! yay! haha

Friday, May 23, 2003

in other news. i have, currently, with me, sitting wrapped up on my desk, two tiny tiny additions to the family. two more are outside in the balcony with their mother, who rejected them out of fear (!) for the entire afternoon - only calming down enough to not panic with 4 tiny things jumping and peeping around her, at 9pm. least to say, i'm exhausted, having had to hand feed them roughly every 2hrs, with special care and attention (and heaps of patience and arm power) to the littlest of the bunch, who's almost 1/2 the size of the largest of the litter. i have no idea how i'm going to last this night, or this week, or the next two weeks.. so if i blog weird things, blame it on exhaustion.

and we have yet to name them..

well.. i mean if its mutual between 2 pple perhaps its redundant to ask? but i guess it's different for different's just that i find it weird that one still has to ask the "will you be my.." question after say going out for a while, cos then it's like, so what was i before the question then? perhaps it's more of a question of how much you attach to the status of being someone's bf or gf. *shrug*

anyway to make a huge leap, it's like eugene and i. i asked him before, "so, since we are going to marry each other, do we have to get engaged first?" it's the same for, "do you still have to ask me first before we can get married?" personally, as far as i see it, we'll get engaged just so cos it's fun, and he'll ask just so i can get the kick out of saying 'yes' and he out of hearing me say 'yes'. *hahaha*

i'm just in a weird mood tonight.

read your blog shu... hmmm about not defining in b and white. i guess at some point in a relationship you need to know if you're reserving yourself for that someone special, it's quite confusing not identifying the relationship being official i guess, the hurts and insecurities that come with not being sure. :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

hehe! online tut for html !! dat's grt!
n i think it's grt being at home spending time with your family and your pets and just having all the time in the world to do what you want and can. It's a chance to slow down..remember the times when we were much younger and we din work during the hols and we just had so much fun too.
Oh I would like to read mary poppins and winnie the pooh again!! it has been such a long time since I've re-read those books...
yar u're right shuying...this internship doesn't really pay much it's not abt money i guess it's more about being exposed to life in the civil service i guess..m guess what there's a george clonney look-alike burmese lawyer at the place where i'm working n there's this girl who's doing the ad for dove who's an intern here as well.....interesting pple..

n yar i think guys r much much more serious abt their hobbies than us gals...when they get into it they really get into it....expenses are not a probat all...:P
but it's gd to be passionate about something....being able to talk animatedly abt it and feel the tinge of pleasure just learning more about it. :P

i have been reading, mei.. odd bits here and there when i feel like it. i like the borrowing and browsing so much better. but when i do get down to reading, if the book's a good one it just sucks me in and i can't stop till i finish it. anyway i really have to give more loving and care to my blog. if i did, you would know what i'm reading.. but i'm stuck with this layout i have in mind. it's not really going anywhere and it's frustrating.

glad to hear your internship is paying good money?? *grin* heheh i don't think the same can be said for wanying .. hehe.. anyway hope you two are having serious fun.. i'll continue bumming.. it saves money too!

let's go learn something together! like take some course in thai or somethign...i wanna pick up the sax but i have to save up loads to buy one first, not including the lessons. haha i like the trumpet too but think too much stress since mingyao is such a good player. heh i guess i'm always wanting to be kinda different so no one can place judgment on standard. like now he's into his photography really deep and i feel so amatuer! ya he just got some two thousand dollars lens! it's powerful though and he's serious about his hobby. :P not like me always so enthusiastic to start then i start to lose focus halfway. haha. come on girls let's go for dinner some place! i have some good places in mind! eh but wait till i get my pay on 27th cos my bank account looks pathetic now. :P

let's contribute some interesting websites shall we? :

ok here i am in response to your note in your blog shu!
it's ok enjoying your hols. dont' feel guilty. i did nothing all those past hols. it's cos i have to fulfill this internship and anyway the money is good. but so tiring. the people there are nice though. recommend you some books to read - mrs dalloway by v woolf and the waterland by graham swift. i can lend you both if you want. in fact since my sis is a lit and e lang teacher i have tons of books at home. if you're really bored there's calvin and hobbes and for some lighted entertainment with a dose of nostalgia i have mary poppin and winnie the pooh books! haha.

i havent' watched twenty fifth hour starring edward norton.....i hope it aint' finished. i get my results on 27th! stress stress shudder.

hey wanying get leo to post something!!!

love, mei

everyone's busy working, 'intern-ing' and what am i doing? sitting and bumming at home. *heh* i lead such a boring life. but i do like sitting at home doing rubbish, especially when i'm all alone - everything's quiet, no one to bug me, i can do whatever i want *grin*

anyway mini html lesson! shall we?

#1 how to bold or italicise your words. blogger makes it real simple like in Word all you need to do is click the B or I button there on the top right when you post an entry. the word that you wish to bold or italicise is to be inserted between < b > blarblar < / b> or < i > blarblar < / i >. right, so that's how it should look.. BUT in reality there should be no spaces between the angle brackets and the b or i. and remember when you close the bold or italics tag (these nifty commands in html are called tags) there must be a backward slash (/)! =]

right! so now you know how to bold and italicise words. *woot* ... *sigh* i'm just tooo bored..

Monday, May 19, 2003

hi there
m savouring some slices of watermelon and surfing the net a bit before embarking on work again.
just had lunch with my supervisors opposite the Malaysian Embassy—that’s where some of the foodstalls from the now defunct Hill Street Hawker center moved to—which is a rather scenic and quaint little street. It’s rather interesting talking to the people working there…99% of them are overseas scholars so they have lotsof stories and experiences to share.
And guess what…have to take my temperature every morning and I never fail to get surprised at how low my temperature can plummet everyday…today was the lowest…35.4…that’s really amazing because I kinda walked really fast because I thought I was going to be late……..
Oh yes Mei….have been to the chocolate bar! It’s heavenly…indulgence in the highest degree….

Ah well…have to concentrate on doing my work now….only 3 more hrs before I can knock off! *yay*! :P

Sunday, May 18, 2003

hi guys
doing my archi internship now, quite fun. started last wed.
i really wonder where the rest of the glass is.

anyway have you guys been to the restaurant tamade? at roberton quay. it's wonderful, delicious and a cosy ambiance. and i went to the chocolate bar at esplanade too, it's quite fun. ya i've been checking out new places but not anymore this week cos my wallet is really getting empty.

heh shu the html thing will have to wait unless it's at night cos i'm now working nine to five! anyway if you know abt my mom's salon, it's shifting to a bigger place in far east shopping centre, next to liat towers. i'll let you guys know more abt it later on.

:) how's matrix reloaded? anyone watched? i'm so looking foward to lotr 3...yes yes i know it's a long time away but gosh i can't wait! one year to wait for a movie it's sheer torture, for me at least! heh.
