Tuesday, May 06, 2003

i'm off to bangkok for several days till monday
joining parents there for holiday
shop shop shop!!!
haha long time since i've been there. going to airport so early in the morning. duncha think this template is sweet? the light blue. takes several days to change template after i've implemented it tt's why it seemed the same tt day.

off i go!


you know what, i think 'the friendly people' is fine.. i like it in an odd sort of way! so i have 2 takers for html lessons? haha can, but when.. that's the problem.. or i could start a 'html for beginners' site.. if i ever get that hardworking =]

wy: haha.. addicted to inuyasha? you've only watched 7 eps of it! what abt me? *huge grin* cable.. hmm so does that mean u've got cable internet too? then you can go dl like crazy! like me *grin* so is friday's inuyasha marathon still on? ... ehhh u've still got assigned READINGS to do? oh man..

*sigh* everyone having internships blah blah.. no one to pei wo soon.. hai..

wow...glad to see lots more posts since i've posted :P
err u mean there's a change in template? looks like the same to me still....
hehe i NEED html lessons!!
heh i start my internship next week...so m going to just be a reeeal pig and slaaack all i can..watching loads of movies on telly (now dat there's cable *yay*)...n reading anything except assigned readings (gd break).
anyhow m addicted to a particular jap anime--inuyasha....e last time i was ever this addicted was when i watched trigun...was just reading the translated version online for episode 21 but it just doesn't beat watching it!! :P

Monday, May 05, 2003

actually.. this template looks good. why not we just stick with it? i can still do another layout but it prob won't be a lot of diff since i can't upload images.. but i'll see what i can do.

mei: hahah maybe i should open a "HTML for beginners" class.. am suppose to teach my sis too.. will catch u online one of these days lar then teach you =) hahaha.. who else wants lessons?? *grin*

ps: hehe pple.. rem to click the 'post AND publish' button not just the 'post' button haha if not sometimes i come on and see the orange "publish" button on the right .. teehee

Sunday, May 04, 2003

ok isn't this template cherrier? i'm a html idiot so i can only select those given templates :P shu! quick! lessons for me!


hey there i'll be start
ing my ten month intern
ship on the 16th of may.
these two weeks of precious holi
days left, hope we can meet up be
fore i start.scared about the exami
nation results. anyway who's travel
ling? i'm not, no money. ha
ha hope that after the intern
ship i can earn enough to travel far

j mei

*screams* seems like my post was eaten up by blogger.. *grr* anyway.. was just replying..

er mei: to comment you gotta 'subscribe' to antville. so when you click on the 'scribble back' link it should prompt you to enter a username and password. (or something like that) if not, just comment on my tagboard - that's what it's there for ^^

erwin: ehh better treasure your time in uni lar.. trust me lor... at least for me, i would rather study my entire life than work lor. i'm so not a work person - unless it's something i really really really like *grin* .. i'm glad i still have one more sem. if not i really wouldn't know what to do.. then again, i could just hope that eugene will strike it richhh and i wouldn't have to work ever and i'll just study and study and collect BAs hahah

btw, here's to shameless plugging. here's my blog at d.f.c.t. leave a tag when you visit k? =] oh and yeah yeah i second a gathering!! we should, this hols or er this june before the girls start working =)

- shu

hey hi there!

yar it seems rather weird too...makes me feel old that i haf to start work in a yr or so....gosh time seems to fly by so quickly eh..
anyhow the hols are here again..we cld meet up again once the pple at ntu finished their exams
so erwin there's the hols to unwind before an exciting term comes your way again! (muz be rather stressful juggling the assignments n all but there's always the pretty ladies to look at--and it has been proven that lookign at pretty women makes one happier...) :P

hey mei: must be really exciting being on a yr's attachment eh!
